Episode6 WAVE6
5月27日 午後5時14分
May 27 5:14 PM
網口愁: だめだユキちゃん、周りは怪獣だらけだ
Shu Amiguchi: Calm down, Yuki-chan! We’ve got kaiju on all sides here!
鷹宮由貴: …指図すんな、なっちゃん捜すのが先だろ
Yuki Takamiya: I don’t take orders from you! I gotta find Nat-chan!
網口愁: 待って、何か現れた…
Shu Amiguchi: Wait, something’s coming up…
It's a Sentinel! No. 22?
郷登蓮也: 上空の機兵は網口愁と…君は鷹宮だな…
Renya Gouto: Two aerial models, which means… Amiguchi and Takamiya, I presume.
鷹宮由貴: なんだ…郷登か
Yuki Takamiya: Oh, it's just Gouto.
郷登蓮也: ターミナルに自己防衛させる、手伝ってくれ
Renya Gouto: We're going to have the terminal defend itself.
I’ll need your help.
鷹宮由貴: 知るか…勝手にやれ
Yuki Takamiya: Screw you, buddy. Do I t yourself.
If I don’t find Nat-chan, fast…
南奈津乃: あっ繋がった…ユキちゃん!私だよ
Natsuno Minami: There, I finally got through… Yuki-chan! It's me!
鷹宮由貴: なっちゃん!無事でよかった…
Yuki Takamiya: Nat-chan! I'm glad you're safe…
Wait, you got in? I thought I told you that thing was dangerous…
南奈津乃: そっちに助けに行くから待ってて
Natsuno Minami: Just hold on. I'm on my way.
鷹宮由貴: だっ…ダメダメこっちは怪獣だらけで危ないよ
Yuki Takamiya: What? No! No. you stay back where it’s safe― We got buttloads of kaiju over here!
Dammit… Gouto, we gotta do something. Now.
郷登蓮也: …手伝ってもらえそうで…何よりだ
Renya Gouto: Glad to hear you're feeling so cooperative.
網口愁: 何か飛んでるぞ…
Shu Amiguchi: I see things in the air…
Are those enemies too?
郷登蓮也: こっちでも確認した…飛行型のダイモス、ハンターだ
Renya Gouto: I've confirmed their position. Those are aerial Deimos called Hunters.
鷹宮由貴: ダイモスはん…たぁ?
Yuki Takamiya: Great, we got flyers now?
郷登蓮也: 我々が乗る第四世代型機兵と同様、飛行する
Renya Gouto: They specialize in aerial mobility, much like our 4th-generation Sentinels.
Melee attacks won't reach them. We can't rely on ground-based missiles either.
網口愁: 対空に対応する兵装は限られそうだけど…
Shu Amiguchi: Kinda short on anit-air options here…
鞍部十郎: 網口くん…メタチップさえあれば大丈夫
Juro Kurabe: Amiguchi-kun, just collect the Meta-Chips.
They can expand our mechs’ functions and unlock new weapons.
鷹宮由貴: …小難しいこたぁ面倒だ、全部蹴り落としてやる
Yuki Takamiya: …How about you guys handle this tech stuff, and I just kick the shit out of ‘em.
網口愁: 危なっかしいなぁ
Shu Amiguchi: Hoo boy, we all better watch out for her…
郷登蓮也: …二手から来るぞ
Renya Gouto: …There’s splitting up.
網口愁: なんだか…強そうなのも混じってるな
Shu Amiguchi: Some of those guys look pretty tough…
Okay, there’s a lot of them, but as long as we stay cool and stick to the plan…
鷹宮由貴: 頭数だけであたしに勝てると…
Yuki Takamiya: These clowns are gonna need more than numbers to take me down!
You want a piece of me, shitheads!? COME AND GET IT!
鷹宮由貴: イテテ…何が起こったんだ
Yuki Takamiya: Gah… The hell just happened…?
郷登蓮也: イージスの起動を確認、このエリアはターミナルが封鎖された
Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed. This area’s terminal has been shut down.
網口愁: すごい…ユキちゃんも見た?
Shu Amiguchi: Wow… Did you see that, Yuki-chan?
That UFO must have some unbelievable power…
鷹宮由貴: 取り乱すなよ網口…速やかになっちゃんと合流だ
Yuki Takamiya: Calm down, Amiguchi. We still gotta meet up with Nat-chan.
網口愁: …一番…取り乱してたのは君だけどな…
Shu Amiguchi: Calm down, she says. Like she wasn’t the one raging out a second ago…